AAP MP Swati Maliwal has vocally accused the party and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s confidant, Bibhav Kumar. The discourse sharply turned on Wednesday after Kejriwal publicly addressed the assault case for the first time. In response to Kejriwal’s remarks, Maliwal expressed her disbelief and disappointment, stating the irony couldn’t be more pronounced. In his statements to PTI, Kejriwal expressed his desire for a thorough and impartial investigation into the assault case involving Maliwal, noting the existence of conflicting narratives.

Reacting to Kejriwal’s comments, Maliwal accused him of mobilizing the party’s leadership and volunteers against her, labeling her a BJP stooge, tarnishing her reputation, circulating selectively edited videos, and shaming her as a victim. She elaborated in a post that despite Kejriwal’s public call for an unbiased investigation, his actions speak otherwise; she accused him of allowing Bibhav Kumar access to the crime scene, potentially compromising the evidence. Maliwal’s critique was sharp: “The chief minister, under whose roof I suffered assault, now claims he seeks a just inquiry. Irony indeed died a thousand deaths. I’m not convinced in the slightest,” she shared.

Kejriwal broke his silence on the incident that has dominated headlines as Delhi approaches its election date on May 25. Maliwal reported the assault to the Delhi Police control room from Kejriwal’s residence on May 13. It took Maliwal two days after the incident to officially file an FIR against Bibhav, detailing the physical abuse she endured from him at the chief minister’s home. The party has disputed these claims, referencing videos that show Maliwal confronting Kejriwal’s security and leaving his residence unharmed.

Following these events, the police apprehended Bibhav at the CM’s residence, alleging he had interfered with the CCTV footage. They also took him to Mumbai, claiming he had wiped his phone clean.

Additionally, Maliwal has brought to light another severe accusation against the party, alleging that AAP leaders are coercing her into defaming her, including threats of leaking her personal photographs. “Recently, a senior party leader informed me about the immense pressure to discredit me, including sharing my personal photos. It’s suggested that anyone siding with me faces expulsion. Members have divided responsibilities among themselves, from conducting press conferences to orchestrating social media campaigns, even involving volunteers from abroad to gather material against me. “Maliwal disclosed in her statement that some journalists close to the accused have supposedly received tasks to fabricate sting operations.”