In a heartbreaking incident, the young child of renowned rodeo champion Spencer Wright has tragically been determined to be brain dead after a distressing mishap. Last Tuesday, in Beaver County, Utah, three-year-old Levi Wright met with an accident when he rode his toy tractor into a fast-moving river. The river’s swift currents swept Levi and his toy away, prompting an immediate and extensive search operation. Teams from the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office and local fire departments were among the first responders. According to reports from ABC4, in a valiant effort to rescue her son, Levi’s mother plunged into the river’s treacherous currents. He was later airlifted to a hospital in Salt Lake City. Levi never regained consciousness despite the medical team’s success in reviving his heartbeat. He was declared brain dead due to the significant time his brain was deprived of oxygen, despite all attempts to save him.
The Wright family conveyed their immense sorrow through a heartfelt statement on Facebook. “Levi’s sweet little brain was without oxygen for too long, and there’s no coming back from that,” they shared. They spent their final moments with Levi, expressing, “We held him close all night, firmly believing his spirit had already departed. We can’t extend his suffering; it wouldn’t be right. We will soon stop medical intervention and embrace him until his last breath. Our dear ‘beans,’ you are eternally cherished by Mom & Dad.” As they navigate through their profound grief, the Wright family has requested some privacy and asked for thoughts and prayers for healing and solace during this exceedingly challenging period.