Vinod Khosla And Elon Musk
Vinod Khosla and Elon Musk

Billionaire tech titans Vinod Khosla and Elon Musk are embroiled in a public dispute over a variety of issues, including land rights, immigration, and political disagreements. This time, the conflict began when Musk criticized Khosla’s contentious battle over public access to Martins Beach, California.

It began when Elon Musk uploaded a modified photograph on X (now Twitter), implying that Khosla had banned public access to Martins Beach, with a sign saying ‘No plebs permitted. Property of Vinod Khosla. This was a joke at Khosla’s 16-year court struggle to prevent public access to the beach after buying the property in 2008. Khosla replied by demanding an apology, accusing Musk of disseminating falsehoods, and criticizing his ‘irresponsible actions.’

Musk’s jab sparked a larger spat between the two billionaires, who have publicly differed on many subjects in recent months. Khosla’s legal dispute began in 2008 when he purchased a $32.5 million property outside San Francisco that featured access to Martins Beach. The former owner granted public access to the beach in exchange for payment for parking. Khosla posted ‘no trespassing’ signs in 2010, barring the sole route to the beach, claiming that as a private property owner, he had the authority to limit access. 

The California State Lands Commission disagreed, claiming that the public has previously reached the beach via that route and should continue to do so under state law. The Supreme Court dismissed Khosla’s appeal in 2018.  However, the legal struggle is still ongoing, with a fresh trial scheduled for April 2024 after a court declined to dismiss the state’s complaint against Khosla last week.

Vinod Khosla And Elon Musk 1
Vinod Khosla, An Indian-Origin Tech Entrepreneur, Accuses Elon Musk Of Spreading False Rumors Over A Property Dispute. 3

The beach access argument is only the latest in a string of disagreements between Musk and Khosla. They have argued on political candidates, artificial intelligence, and immigration laws. Musk recently criticized Khosla for supporting a plan to admit ‘unvetted migrants’ into the United States while reportedly barring public access to his beach, branding him a hypocrite. Khosla responded, explaining that he favors legal immigration while opposing illegal immigration.

Their conflicts have also spread to the field of AI research. Khosla’s venture firm invested in OpenAI, whereas Musk, an early booster of the business, has subsequently split relations and is now leading a rival AI initiative. The two have traded barbs over OpenAI’s path, with Musk accusing Khosla of not comprehending the issue and Khosla calling Musk’s actions sour grapes.’

Musk is no stranger to public disagreements. He’s used X to clash with politicians and other billionaires, regularly creating news for his remarks. Musk’s outspoken style frequently draws attention—and controversy—as he trades insults with Scottish lawmaker Humza Yousaf and criticizes British and Canadian officials. While the newest dispute between Musk and Khosla focuses on beach access,