Another twist has arisen in the story of the domain, which is currently held by twins Jainam and Jivika, two young philanthropists living in Dubai. According to their website, the duo appears to have opted to offer the domain to Reliance for free following due consideration.
This fresh, unexpected twist began when Jainam and Jivika purchased the domain from a Delhi-based developer who had originally acquired it in the hopes of obtaining funding for his Cambridge University MBA. The developer’s attempts to sell the domain name to Reliance fell through after they reportedly denied his ₹1 crore price price, pushing him to list it online. Jainam and Jivika, who bought it solely to support his educational dreams, have now found themselves at the center.
With recent inquiries concerning the domain’s status and its link to a potential Jio-Hotstar merger, Jainam and Jivika turned to their platform to clear up any confusion.”To see if these offers were legitimate, we contacted several of them. We discovered that while some proposals were fraudulent, others were genuine and offered a large sum of money.” However, Jainam and Jivika insisted that they never meant to sell it and informed any potential bidders that the domain was not for sale.
The siblings explained that the sudden attention and curiosity were unanticipated. “Over the past few days, there has been a lot of talk and even some videos about how we own the web address and if it connects to a possible business deal between Jio and Hotstar,” they told us. However, they maintained that their primary goal was to help the developer and use the platform to share their seva (service) journey with their followers. The JioHotstar domain, they claimed, was just an instrument for good, not a pawn in a corporate arrangement.
After careful consideration, Jainam and Jivika have chosen to offer the domain to Reliance for free. “We are happy to give to them for free, with all the proper paperwork,” they told us. They clarified their stance, saying, “This is our choice. Nobody from Reliance or any legal group has approached or pressured us in any manner.” Jainam and Jivika explained that this decision was taken independently, with no input from friends, family, or industry insiders.
To make the procedure easier, Jainam and Jivika have invited Reliance to contact them directly at their email accounts. In a speech full of genuine passion and purpose, the siblings changed the focus of their message from their ongoing altruistic