Siddaramaiah, the Chief Minister of Karnataka, on Wednesday said that the BJP was planning to remove Rahul Gandhi, the head of the opposition. The BJP intends to terrorize Rahul Gandhi for his life in addition to putting a stop to him politically. The chief minister said at a press conference, “There is a conspiracy by the BJP to intimidate and provoke their workers through these threats.

“The BJP, which has consistently tried to target the AICC leader through defamation, slander, false accusations, and character assassination, now stopped to the act of issuing direct murder threats,” the CM stated.

“Rahul Gandhi can’t be cowed down by threats and life threats. Unable to digest his popularity they are indulging in such things,” states Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah.

He also added that Gandhi cannot be intimidated by such threats because his family has made significant sacrifices for the country. Further, Siddaramaiah says, “This not only reveals the BJP’s moral and ideological bankruptcy in its inability to confront Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party politically and ideologically, but also exposes their murderous mindset in them.”

The Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah said, “I am not surprised by the statements of BJP and their allies. Beheading, hitting, cutting—these are all the languages of the Manu Smriti followers… This is not the language of the Constitution or democrats.”

Gandhi’s popularity has rendered BJP officials dumbfounded, according to Siddaramaiah, both domestically and internationally. “…the real motive behind these threats is to prevent him from delivering campaign speeches in the upcoming assembly elections, including in Jammu & Kashmir and Maharashtra,” the speaker stated.