A tourist group from Hyderabad encountered an unexpected detour when their reliance on Google Maps led them into a soggy stream near Kuruppanthara in the southern district of Kerala, as reported by the police on Saturday.

The mishap occurred late Friday night as the quartet, which included a woman, aimed for Alappuzha. Their chosen path was submerged under water spilling over from the stream, exacerbated by the torrential downpour. Unacquainted with the local terrain, the tourists inadvertently drove into the aquatic expanse guided by Google Maps, according to police statements.

Fortunately, the group of four emerged unscathed, thanks to a prompt response from a patrolling police unit nearby and the assistance of local inhabitants. However, their vehicle was less lucky, engulfed by the stream. “We are trying to retrieve it,” stated an official from the Kaduthuruthy police station.

This event is not an isolated occurrence in Kerala. A previous incident in October of the preceding year recorded the tragic loss of two young doctors in a vehicular mishap triggered by their adherence to Google Maps directions, leading them into a river. In the wake of such events, Kerala police have advocated for cautious use of maritime technology, especially during the rainy season.