Atishi, following Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation, the would-be CM of Delhi, Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena of Delhi on Wednesday suggested September 21 for the inauguration. Given the circumstances of Mr. Kejriwal’s resignation, the new chief minister’s oath-taking ceremony is anticipated to be a “low-key affair” at Raj Niwas.

The chief minister’s mansion will be abandoned by Mr. Kejriwal in 15 days, according to the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), and he will live as a “commoner” without protection.

An AAP official said that Atishi herself called it a very depressing occasion and asked party leaders and members not to applaud her.

The excitement surrounding Atishi’s new ministers on her council of ministers has grown as she prepares to take over as Delhi’s next chief minister.

According to a source within the LG Secretariat, Mr. Saxena suggested September 21 as the day for CM-designate Atishi’s oath of office in a letter to President Droupadi Murmu. According to the source, President Murmu has also received the resignation letter from outgoing Chief Minister Mr. Kejriwal.

This incident occurred the day after Atishi, following Kejriwal’s resignation as chief minister, asserted his right to form the next administration in the nation’s capital during a meeting with the LG.

According to AAP sources, two party MLAs will be appointed to the new Cabinet along with party heavyweights Gopal Rai, Kailash Gehlot, Saurabh Bharadwaj, and Imran Hussain, who served as ministers in the previous Kejriwal administration.

“Since the Delhi Assembly polls are approaching, not much experiment is expected in the selection of members of the council of ministers and old faces will most certainly be retained while two new ministers could join in,” a politician of AAP said.

The Delhi Assembly, whose session has been scheduled for September 26–27 by the current AAP regime, will hear testimony from the incoming chief minister and the majority of her government.