There was a outbreak of communal violence in Beldanga town and its surrounding areas in Murshidabad district of West Bengal on Saturday night. Numerous individuals sustained injuries during confrontations between two groups. Even though the police did not provide an official number of those injured, local residents have stated that approximately 50 individuals from each side were injured in the entire incident. Due to the communal tension, the administration has decided to suspend internet service throughout the district.
According to locals, about 50 to 60 individuals from each group sustained injuries in the event, and over 30 homes were damaged and burned. Ward 10 of Beldanga town suffered the most in this whole incident. Events occurred in various locations across the region all through Saturday night.
Police reported that the conflicts between the two groups began at the Kartik Puja festivities held by community clubs in Beldanga. The community members claimed that offensive remarks were written on the illuminated display boards during the puja, causing tension in the nearby area.
Following that, there was a disturbance among the crowd and then a fight broke out. Per local authorities, four individuals from Beldanga, including one woman, who were hurt in the incidents, were taken to Berhampur Medical College and Hospital for treatment. A Rapid Action Force soldier was also hurt while attempting to suppress the ongoing clashes.
The administration denied permission for BJP state president Dilip Ghosh to visit the affected area of Beldanga. Nevertheless, the administration has not announced a curfew. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, who arrived at the hospital to assess the wounded, stated that the administration has made the correct decision. We are working together with the authorities. I urge everyone to uphold unity. For centuries, all communities have coexisted peacefully in this place. Due to the Saturday night incident, more police officers have been deployed to the location. There have been no new reports of conflict as of Sunday afternoon.