Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya has always had a special connection with her bikes, tracing back to the first time she learned to cycle in her childhood. Celebrating World Bicycle Day, the actress reflects, “My cycling journey began in the 3rd grade on the slopes of Bhopal. It was a series of trial and error for my cousin and me. The moment I managed to balance for the first time was unforgettable. I was so excited that I ended up falling and injuring myself. That incident taught me my first major life lesson from my parents: ‘only the bravest riders fall in the battlefield.'”

At 39, Tripathi Dahiya remembers her childhood, filled with biking escapades. “The best part of my childhood was during the summer vacations, cycling to my dad’s pharmacy to help him. His friends would compliment me for being so helpful, while I occasionally stole my favorite chocolates from the shelf. Fortunately, I was caught before becoming too sneaky. To avoid being banned from the store and to keep enjoying my bike rides, I chose to become a trustworthy assistant to my dad,” she recalls with a smile.

Tripathi Dahiya’s bicycle tales didn’t just stop with her childhood. She shares an amusing episode from her adult life. “One time, while biking back from a shoot, I encountered a steep hill that was challenging to pedal up. Just as I was about to take a break, some fans recognized me and to avoid causing a traffic backup, I kept going, all the while smiling politely through the struggle. That evening, despite the pain in my legs, I felt a strange sense of accomplishment,” she reminisces with a chuckle.