Aditi Rao Hydari, a famous Bollywood actress recently got married with Siddharth, a renowned actor known for his acting in Telugu films. Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth unveiled the secret of their wedding together using social media platform.

Whole of the wedding ceremony was completed according to Hindu rituals. The wedding was very simple, yet classy and elegant at the same time. The newlyweds expressed their love in an Instagram post using quote like “You are my Sun, my Moon, and all my Stars… To being Pixie Soulmates for eternity…to laughter, to never growing up…To Eternal Love, Light & Magic – Mrs & Mr Adu-Siddhu”.

Mrs & Mr Adu- Siddhu exchanged vows in a 400 year old temple, in Wanaparthy. Aditi Rao Hydari was seen wearing a Gold organza lehenga with beautiful ruby and gold jewelry, meanwhile Siddharth wore a simple kurta and veshthi.

They tied the knot in front of their family members and close friends, both of the sides were present at this auspicious moment. They both announced their engagement in the same way, back in March this year.

They were also recently seen together at the Apple event in the US. The couple fell in love with each other on the sets of their film, Maha Samundram (2021). In addition to her work scenario Aditi Rao Hydari was last seen in a Netflix series named ‘Heeramandi’ as Bibbojaan.

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