Dy Chandrachud, Chief Justice Of India
DY Chandrachud, Chief Justice of India

Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud expressed his frustration with a lawyer in the Supreme Court for claiming to have verified the details of the order dictated with the court master.

The Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud cautioned the lawyer that even though it is nearing the end of his time in court, he still holds authority and advised him against attempting such tricks in the future.

How bold of you to question the court master about what I commanded during court! Tomorrow, you will visit my home and inquire about my activities from my personal assistant. “Have lawyers completely lost their way?” he inquired. “Do not attempt these humorous stunts again, as I am approaching my final days in the courtroom.”

Chief Justice DY Chandrachud will leave his position on November 10. His strict comments were made while discussing an arbitration directive. This is not the initial instance in which he has reprimanded lawyers for disregarding correct procedures and improper behavior throughout his two-year tenure, emphasizing the importance of courtroom etiquette.

Just a few days ago, he reprimanded a lawyer for using casual language in court and replying with ‘yeah’. “This is definitely not a cafe!” What is this oh yeah. I am extremely sensitive to this, yeah yeah. “He scolded the lawyer, saying that this was unacceptable.”

On October 1, he criticized the habit of requesting urgent hearings for a case by various attorneys, stating that he would not permit it as it jeopardized his “personal credibility.” Sometimes, attorneys take risks by changing lawyers in order to have their cases scheduled for urgent hearings repeatedly on various dates.

Cease this habit of multiple counsels repeatedly bringing up the same topic. Everyone is simply attempting to seize an opportunity. I will never use my limited authority as the Chief Justice to help you, as someone is trying to manipulate the court. Seek advice from three separate sources and when the judge hesitates, you will receive a verdict. This is the current situation in this courtroom. I refuse to do it. He said that his personal credibility is on the line.

At the beginning of this year, he engaged in a verbal altercation with a lawyer and criticized him for speaking loudly during the electoral bonds case hearing.